
All submitted conference papers will be peer reviewed. The conference proceedings were published in Special Journal Issue “Educational Resources and Technologies” of Moscow Vitte University. “Educational Resources and Technologies” is an electronic scientific peer-reviewed journal. The journal is included in Russian Science Citation Index and registered in ISSN International center (ISSN 2312 5500). Electronic version of the article is published on the journal site and in Russian Science Citation Index ( Papers must be sent to email Deadline for paper submission is March 01, 2016.
Requirements for Paper Preparation

The length of the paper proposed for publication is limited to 7 pages (including illustrations) of typewritten text on one side of a white sheet of A4 paper with margins on all sides of at least 2 cm with 1.0 line spacing, using Microsoft Word text editor (any version) with Times New Roman font size 12 pt.

The paper should be presented in the following order:

  • UDC code (see Reference Universal Decimal Classification) in the upper left corner
  • The author’s name and surname (in bold centered) degree, position, email
  • Affiliation (if more than one, then the list of all relevant organizations with footnotes following the names of the authors; in the case of matching jobs, authors need to specify it)
  • Title of the article, capitalized, centered, in bold, font size 12 pt, no more than 7 words.
  • Abstract (no more than 5 lines), should outline the main ideas and results of the paper.
  • Keywords (up to 10 words), the most meaningful words, separated by commas.
  • Introduction (about 0.5-1 page) which should be reflected in the statement of objectives of the study. It should be noted the relevance of the problem to be solved by the author in the work, to briefly touch upon the current state of the problem (with links of sources) and to characterize the proposed decision.
  • The main text of the article (about 5 pages), which provides a solution to the problem, outlines and explains in detail the allegations made and the results (all the evidence submitted in the application). Used special terms and symbols should be explained. It is forbidden to use abbreviations (except for a very limited number of generally accepted). Article is recommended to split into sections with titles that reflect the content. Each section can be numbered. Depth breakdown of the text should not exceed three levels (sections, paragraphs and subparagraphs). The article must contain illustrative material (pictures, diagrams, graphs), and the mathematical apparatus (formulas, depending) or conceptual (logical, structural) model of the investigated problem.
  • Conclusion must contain a discussion of the results and, if possible, an example illustrating their effectiveness, applicability test results. This section should begin with the words: "The authors believe that in this work are the following new position and results ...".
  • Reference lists (font size 11 pt). References to the scientific literature is a mandatory attribute of any scientific article. Scientific literature includes journals, monographs and conference proceedings. Laws, tutorials, standards, reference books, encyclopedias are not "scientific literature". If you need to refer to them, these links are made as a footnote (at the end of the page).

In the text, formulas should be typed clearly in compliance with the spelling differences in uppercase and lowercase letters, and the letters that are similar in shape, using Microsoft Equation. Numbering of formulae should be cross-cutting and given in the order of their appearance; only those formulae that are referenced in the text should be numbered.

Reference lists should be sequentially numbered in order of appearance in the text and contain the following data: name and initials of the author, title, journal name, the collection (if it is not a book), the city of publication and the full name of the publisher (for monographs), the year of publication, volume number, magazine and page numbers. References should be given in square brackets.

Figures and tables must be qualitative and be involved into text. Symbols in figures must strictly comply with notation of the text, and have identical spelling. Text in the figures must be large enough to maintain the sharpness of the picture if zoomed out. Symbols in figures must strictly comply with notation of the text, and have identical spelling. Text in the figures must be large enough to maintain the sharpness of the picture if zoomed out. Figures and tables should be sequentially numbered in order of appearance in the text.

In addition, the color photos (10*15cm) for each author as a separate .jpg files should be prepared. All materials should be sent by e-mail in the form of archive. The file name must contain surnames of authors.

Papers must be sent to email Deadline for paper submission is March 01, 2016.